22 January 2024

Top 5 Myths About Sales That Are Holding You Back (And How Most Sales Trainers Get It All Wrong)

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1. The Script Myth: Forget Memorized Lines – Have Real, Brutally Honest Conversations

Most sales trainers will tell you to memorize scripts and handle objections with a series of canned responses. This outdated approach reduces you to a robot, forcing you to repeat the same lines over and over. It’s not only unnatural but also completely ineffective with today’s sophisticated buyers.

What you really need is the ability to have brutally honest, man-to-man conversations. Forget the memorized lines. Instead, focus on authenticity. Sales are about trust, and the quickest way to gain trust is to speak the truth, even when it’s uncomfortable. Be honest about the product, be real about the prospects’ pain points, and lead the conversation with authority, not a script.

2. Objection Handling is a Crutch: There Shouldn’t Even Be Objections

Sales trainers love teaching how to handle objections. But here’s the thing—you shouldn’t even be getting objections. Objections happen when the prospect isn’t convinced, and that means you haven’t done your job properly. Instead of preparing to handle objections, focus on eliminating them from the start by clearly addressing the prospect's concerns during the conversation.

When you have a man-to-man conversation, objections become irrelevant because you’re being upfront about everything. You’re solving the prospect’s problem with your solution before they can even raise an issue.

3. Avoiding Resistance? No—Create Tension to Uncover the Truth

Sales resistance is natural, but instead of trying to avoid it, embrace it. Create tension on purpose. Why? Because tension reveals the truth. When you challenge your prospect and push them to answer tough questions, you uncover their real fears, desires, and motivations. Most sales trainers shy away from this, opting to keep the conversation "smooth." But a little heat is what’s needed to get to the core.

By introducing tension, you’re getting beyond surface-level responses and into the heart of what really matters to your prospect. Truthful conversations lead to real solutions.

4. Scripts Are for Amateurs: Become an Expert in Your Field

Anyone can memorize a script, but true professionals understand that expertise beats scripted words any day. Become the authority. Know your product inside and out. Be the one who can speak to your prospect’s specific problem because you know your field better than anyone else.

When you’re an expert, you don’t need a script. You naturally guide the conversation, you anticipate questions, and you know how to position your product or service as the best solution. Expertise beats gimmicks every time.

5. Stop Trying to Sell Ice to Eskimos: Sell a Product You Actually Believe In

The old saying “sell ice to Eskimos” has been used by sales trainers for years. It implies that a great salesperson can sell anything to anyone. But let’s be real—selling something you don’t believe in is a recipe for burnout and failure.

Instead, find a product you truly believe in. When you’re passionate about what you’re selling, it shows. Your energy, confidence, and belief in the product make the sale effortless. Don’t waste your time trying to convince people to buy something they don’t need or want. Sell what you believe in, and your results will skyrocket.

My Story: Learning the Hard Way

I learned all of this the hard way. I made all the mistakes—memorizing scripts, handling objections, avoiding tension, and trying to sell things I didn’t care about. For years, I struggled through thousands of sales calls, making the same mistakes over and over.

Then, one day it hit me: It’s not about being likable or memorizing some corny lines like Zig Ziglar. It’s about being authentic, brutally honest, and having real conversations with people. Forget the script, forget the fake charm—be real, be raw, and know your shit.

After thousands of sales calls under my belt, I realized that the best way to close deals is to drop the salesy tactics and just have a man-to-man conversation. When you’re authentic, when you’re an expert, and when you’re willing to create tension and tell the truth, that’s when the real magic happens.

Stop grinding, stop following the old-school tactics, and start selling like a man who means business.

Remote Closer's Playbook by Chris Campbell

Ready to Sell Like a Real Closer?

If you're tired of following outdated sales tactics and want to learn how to close deals with authenticity, expertise, and brutal honesty, it’s time to step up your game. I’ve put everything I’ve learned from thousands of sales calls into my Remote Closer Playbook—a proven guide to mastering high-ticket sales without scripts or gimmicks.

Download the Remote Closer Playbook now and discover how to:

  • Have real, man-to-man conversations that lead to effortless closes.
  • Eliminate objections before they even arise.
  • Leverage your expertise to guide prospects without relying on scripts.

Stop wasting time with old-school tactics. Click here to grab your copy and start closing like a pro.

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